If you want to earn money online, start your own website. There are many advantages to having your own website as opposed to simply using social media accounts to promote products or services. Here is a simple guide:
Get a Domain Name
The domain name is the address of your site (e.g. facebook.com). Domain names sell for an average of $5 to $15 (USD). You can register a domain name from GoDaddy or NameCheap. You can buy a domain name from a hosting company as well.
Get Hosting
Hosting is where the files for your website will be stored. Popular hosting companies include BlueHost, Hostgator, and SiteGround. Hosting typically sells for $3 per month upwards. As mentioned earlier, you can get your domain name from a hosting provider.
Build Your Website
The first thing you need to do is to link your domain name to your hosting account through nameservers. The hosting providers have sufficient guides for this procedure. Then you can now build your website using a website builder provided along with the hosting, or install a content management system such as WordPress.
Easy Way to Start a Website
WordPress, Wix, Weebly, and other website builders provide an easier way to start a website. You can start with a free account and start building a website right away, or you can opt for a premium account complete with domain name and hosting. You can then use their simple-to-use website builders to start creating website content. Of course, if you want to make money, use a premium account.
How to Monetize Your Website
You can write blogs on topics you are interested in and monetize the content with Google AdSense. This is not the best way to earn money, but it can get you started. With more content on your site, you are more likely to earn better in the future.
Another way to earn money is to sell affiliate products. You can write reviews about digital products on ClickBank and add an affiliate link on your reviews. You can earn at least 50% of the profit.
You may also sell your own services. Skills like video editing, graphic design and writing are lucrative. You can use your site to promote your services.
Bottom Line
It is easy to start your own website. Monetize it by blogging, selling products, or providing your services. In addition, learn how to generate traffic to get more views and earn even more.